When it comes to construction and maintenance, “confined space” doesn’t just mean any small room. The phrase has a specific meaning as defined by OSHA, and it pays to only hire contractors with the proper training to manage their work safely in confined spaces. OSHA defines a confined space as a work area that is:…
Earlier this year, a utility worker in Key Largo removed a manhole cover and descended into a 15-foot drainage hole to perform maintenance work. As he neared the bottom, he was overcome by gas and passed out. A second worker entered the hole behind him in a rescue attempt, and likewise collapsed. Before the ordeal…
If you’ve been in the insurance or catastrophe response business for long, you understand the importance of addressing water loss remediation quickly and effectively. From the moment of the incident, you have about 72 hours to get a team in to assess, plan remediation, and get those materials dry. If it takes longer than that,…
There are not many places where indoor air quality (IAQ) is as important as it is in a hospital setting. Whether you’re undergoing a renovation, building a new wing, or experiencing a potential IAQ problem, you need to know that the air your staff and patients breathe is safe. When hiring an environmental consultant may…
Developing low income housing projects can be highly profitable, thanks to valuable tax incentives under Section 42 of the IRS Code of 1986 (as amended). The program authorizes states to allocate and issue housing credits on a competitive basis to projects that are determined to be in the public’s best interests. Each state has its…
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