Universal Supplies & Services, Inc. contracted GLE to perform an industrial hygiene assessment for the east range of an indoor firing range.
The Florida Army National Guard contacted GLE to perform turn-key bullet trap cleanup for 20 armory sites located throughout Florida.
GLE provided design services for accessibility upgrades at MacDill Air Force Base.
GLE provided design services for the re-roofing of nine buildings at MacDill Air Force Base.
GLE provided design services for the renovation of 16 restrooms. The project included replacement of the sewer lines into the buildings.
GLE was awarded the task order to perform diver based Endangered Species Act (ESA) coral relocations for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Jacksonville District (SAJ).
GLE was awarded the task order to perform diver based Endangered Species Act (ESA) coral relocations for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Jacksonville District (SAJ).
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